Thursday, 12 November 2015

5 tips for getting your song sold on iTunes

Once upon a time, the deal was to get your CDs in the music stores, Alaba and on the streets. But with piracy issues and the close extinction of proper music stores, many Nigerian artists now look to sell their music digitally.

iTunes is one of the biggest sources for music. As an upcoming or established act, this is a great platform to get you songs distributed to a large market and get paid for it.

There are several middle men who could help you with getting your music on this online platform, but if you decide you want to do it yourself, here’s what you need.
1. Find out if you can deal with iTunes directly
You need to find out if you can contact iTunes directly to distribute your music via its application website. The company has a list or requirements, which involves filling an online form about yourself and it also includes conditions such as having International Standard Recording Codes, Universal Product Code and at least 20 albums in your discography.
2. Find an aggregator
If you don’t qualify to deal with iTunes directly, you will need to hire an aggregator.  This agent for a fee will help you get your music on iTunes. They also ensure it’s in the right format. You still own all the rights to your song even if you are using an aggregator.
There are several aggregators you can use like CD baby, and TuneCore.
3. Set the date
It’s important to prepare and plan ahead of time. It’s recommended you pick out a release date three to four weeks from the time of your music submission.
4. Render/convert your music to the right format
It’s recommended that your audio files be in WAV format. The channel should be set to stereo with a 44.1 kHz sample rate and 16-bit sample size.
5. Prepare your artwork
If it’s a single or album, either way, it ought to have an artwork even it’s just an image of the artist. It should be in JPG format.

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