Sunday 10 April 2016

(Opinion) Why African-Americans Will Not Vote Donald Trump

I have been watching the 2016 American
Presidential road to the White House, much as
I imagine the whole world is (and if you aren’t,
trust me they couldn’t write this in a script). It
is nail-biting, jaw-dropping, breathtaking, must-
see viewing.
If it wasn’t for the real possibility that this man
could end up becoming the Commander-in-
Chief of the free world, it could almost rate as
a dark comedy; but it’s not a joke and we are
talking about the person who could potentially
be in charge of or having access to the red
button that could annihilate or exterminate all
of us.

This is not a man to ignore or to take your eye
off because calling him a loose cannon or nutty
or buffoon does not even begin to do justice to
what he really represents.
A lot has been written about ‘the Donald’ as he
is affectionately (?) called, but as I was going
through many of his controversial utterances,
outbursts, rantings and ravings, it occurred to
me that this man is screaming out to the world
on who and what he is and his intentions on
how he intends to treat his fellow human
beings and the environment around him. But
I’m not sure people are really listening or
hearing the real meaning behind the ‘white’
noise he is making. Check out just a few of his
words. I will start with his absolute rant about
“We need to get the Africans out (of America).
Especially the Nigerians. They are everywhere.
I went for a rally in Alaska and met just one
African in the entire state. Where was he
from? Nigeria. He’s in Alaska taking jobs.
They’re in Houston taking our jobs. Why can’t
they stay in their own country? I’ll tell you
why. Because they are corrupt. Their
governments are so corrupt they rob the
people blind and bring it all here to spend. If I
become president we’ll send them all home.
We’ll build a wall at the Atlantic shore. Then
maybe we’ll colonise them because obviously
they did not learn a damn thing from the
‘The Donald’ is an equal opportunity hater. He
has gone on to say about Mexicans that they
are sending their rapists and criminals into
America and he plans to build a wall to stem
their entry into the country and make them pay
for the cost of the wall.
One of the myriad of racist statements he has
made include saying, “Sadly, because President
Obama has done such a poor job as President,
you won’t see another black President.”
He has gone on to say, “African American
youth have no spirit.”
Donald Trump has a deep loathing for strong
women. He has stated that Hillary Clinton, who
is also in the run for the White House, is not
up to the job as, “she doesn’t have the
His mysoginism was brought to the fore when
an American Fox news exemplary journalist
and leading anchor, Megyn Kelly, challenged
him on some of the derogatory comments he
had made in the past about female journalists
and women generally, calling them ‘stupid, fat
slobs, bimbos, making references to them
‘being on their periods.’
He took offence to Megyn’s remarks and
embarked on a repeated crude sexist, vicious
vendetta against her. His perversion has even
gone as far as seeing him say of his own
biological daughter, Ivanka, “Yeah she’s really
something and what a beauty that one. She has
a good figure and if I wasn’t married and if I
wasn’t her father, I’d be dating her.” (wow!
really Trump?).
This man even went as far as to mock a
journalist with disabilities who had asked him
some difficult questions. He mimicked the
movements of the infirm man in mockery.
What I find quizzical is the fact that he sees
nothing morally wrong in his behaviour. As
long as his ego is bruised, it is such a big ego
that it he is unable to see past defending it in
the crassest way. He continues to make
incendiary, inflammatory statements, and it
soon becomes clear this man is Godless, banal,
vacuous and soulless.
During one of Donald Trumps rallies while in
his element and feeling ‘godlike’, his narcissm
was at its height when he went on to say, “I
could stand on New York’s Fifth Avenue and I
could shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any
He has bragged about the size of his manhood.
He stated that, “even if the world is going to
hell in a hand held basket, I won’t lose a
It is only April now and there are almost seven
months to go before the actual votes are cast
so there is no telling what this man will do—he
may actually kill someone before we are
through just to prove a point. The point is that
this man is telling and showing the world who
he is—please, believe him!
I had a colleague who used to announce in staff
meetings, “You people don’t know me. You
have no idea what I am capable of. If you push
me, you will see.” We all used to comment
about how dramatic and attention seeking she
was until the day all she had threatened about
came to pass and she stabbed another
colleague in a fit of rage!
Sometimes, people articulate what they know
about themselves to others; other times, they
insinuate, and other times, they actually show
you by their actions. Next time when someone
gives you that insight into their person, pay
attention and don’t ignore it, it may save you
from a lot of pain and heartache in the future.
What life has taught me?
Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in
your life who want you in theirs; the ones who
accept you for who you are. The ones who
would do anything to see you smile and who
love you no matter what.
A friend is one of the nicest things you can
have and one of the best things you can be

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